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Home of Beautiful Souls Foundation

Therapist Policies

Foundation protocols
  • You will have to fill the Research forms given to you within 48 hours.
  • Report once a week to your mentor and discuss the cases handed to you with them. Mentors are assigned according to your specialities and experience. All the details of every session done with the client have to be recorded and updated on paper.
  • If you need to change your mentor or volunteer, you can freely request for the same. However, the situation will be analyzed first by the director so we can make our family environment healthier and better. 
  • In case of emergency, immediately contact your mentor without panicking. You will transfer any clinical disorder case to a clinical psychologist if it’s discovered later. You will not make any diagnosis (not in the case of clinical psychologist/psychiatrist). However, your reports and notes are of utmost importance for us and the client. 
  • Any cases taken by you can’t be discussed outside of Home of Beautiful Souls Foundation. 
  • You can’t have any personal relationship with clients. However, you can be informal and will have to have empathetic behaviour and nature towards them. If you develop any feelings or would like to form any relationship, you will have to talk to your mentor about that. 
  • None of the financial details will be disclosed with the therapist or the client and all the transactions will be done through the foundation.
  • You can’t leave the therapy in half without first consulting and informing the client and your mentor.
  • Home of Beautiful Souls Foundation may charge around ten percent commission for each paying clients that you shall receive through us for workshops, counselling, products, and programs. We shall charge fifty percent per program/workshop that you will advertise through our website, instagram and facebook posts and whats App broadcast and status.
  • home of beautiful souls foundation is eligible to change the policies at any given time.
Benefits you will receive when working with Home of Beautiful Souls
  • Your workshops, webinars, programs and Instagram handle will receive free marketing across all our platforms such as Fb, insta, youtube, Twitter and WhatsApp. 
  • You will be assigned a mentor and trained by him/her if you are a fresher, under which you will learn and nurture. You would be able to express your emotions and overcome your limitations as well. 
  • You will be given a volunteer who will keep in constant touch with you to check on your mental health or any other issues because we care about you. 
  • You will get clients.
  • You will get to enrich your knowledge by discussing and learning about new things. You will come across various other therapists across the country.
  • If you are an experienced therapist, you will be honoured with the role of mentor. You will be able to take part in some decision making processes. You will be able to guide the freshmen and younger generations and pass on your unique methods and knowledge to them.
Qualifications and Standards of Practice defined by RCI and NCS for Psychologist/Counsellor and a Clinical Psychologist:
  • A person with BA/BSc + MA/MSc in psychology/clinical psychology/counselling psychology can take clients with vocational, adjustment, personal problems and other problems but not anyone with a clinical disorder. He/she can do an assessment (aptitude, interest, etc) and give therapy and can facilitate socio-emotional and cognitive development. Also, as per National Career Service, a person with a Bachelor’s + diploma in counselling + 1 year of experience can be considered as a counsellor.
  • Only a person with a professional qualification in Clinical Psychology recognised by Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI), from time to time, obtained from an RCI approved institution and granted by a university recognised by the University Grant Commission as per Sections 11 and 12 of RCI Act (1992) and registration in Central Rehabilitation Register(CRR) as per Section 13 of RCI Act (1992).
Medical Council of India ethics:


  • Hospitalization:
  • The patient’s consent has to be taken before admitting the person. If the person lacks the capacity to decide for him/herself; then, it is compulsory to get the consent from a family member. The patient will be admitted for his own welfare keeping in mind, legal and administrative constraints and social appropriateness. 
  • According to the Section 89 (1) (c) of the MHCA, the person isn’t eligible to receive care and treatment as an independent patient because of his/her incapability to make decisions independently. Hence, very high support from his/her nominated representative is needed in decision-making processes. This section can’t be applied if the patient is capable of making independent decisions for his/her treatment. 
  • Any person can’t admit himself/herself voluntarily into any Mental Health Establishment until and unless the severity of illness requires admission and treatment as an inpatient.


  • Duties of a Mental Health Professional; 
  • The professionals have to be updated with knowledge and current trends on mental health. 
  • They have to respect other medical professionals and even if their colleague is acting unethically, they can’t lower their professional standards. 
  • They have to continuously spread mental health awareness among the general public while adhering to the ethical principles of academic conduct.
  • They have to maintain discretion while consulting and collaborating with colleagues when needed and maintain professionalism in all the interactions. 
  • They have to advocate the patient’s rights and confidentiality. 


  • The Patient’s rights
  • The patient and his/her nominated representative have the right to know the basic nature of the illness, the treatment being used for him and it’s side effects. 
  • The medical records are the patient’s property and its full access has to be given to the patient. Certain information can be withheld in the acute setting, but it has to be released when appropriate. 
  • The patient or his/her nominated representative can appeal to the board against any MHE, seeking redressal of any misjudgement or mistake. The patient or his/her nominated representative if competent or having the knowledge of the Mental Health Care Act can make a case of wrongdoing. The act also allows a representative of a registered non-governmental organization to represent the patient after his/her consent. 


  • Accountability
  • All the Mental Health Professionals are accountable to the statutory bodies below:
  1. The Central Mental Health Authority
  2. State Mental Health Authority
  3. Mental Health Review Board
  4. The High Court
  5. The Supreme Court
  6. The Mental Health Professionals associated with the foundation are accountable to the director as well