Existentialism comes from the idea of the essence. It is a question that we humans ask ourselves: What is the essence of human life? Read More »Existentialism
Existentialism comes from the idea of the essence. It is a question that we humans ask ourselves: What is the essence of human life? Read More »Existentialism
Front line health care workers are doctors, nurses, other medical staff, and mental health professionals. These individuals have been taking sustained risks and working tirelesslyRead More »Front line health workers
UNDERSTANDING UNCERTAINTY ANXIETY Life is full of surprises; some surprises give us joy while some give us pain. 2020-21 have been such years ofRead More »Dealing with anxiety
Mindfulness can be seen as a pioneering medium of self-healing at a time when catastrophes seemed to be gripping the world by its inevitability. MindfulnessRead More »Mindfulness
The pandemic has made us aware of the importance of psychological well-being during these times. Unlike physical health which affects us immediately is visible toRead More »Survivor’s guilt